Red Wine Jelly with Wild Strawberries

June 10, 2021

It is a rather grown up pudding. It’s served chilled and takes only a few minutes to put together.

In my opinion it lends itself extremely well as the elegant end to a meal during warm summer evenings.

Using wild strawberries or any other fruit of your choice is of course optional. I have a soft spot for wild strawberries but I also think they liven up this simple and yet sophisticated dessert.

I like to use a Sangiovese grape wine but you are free to use any other favourite of yours. 

It is important to mention however, that the wine should be of a good quality. There is no need to spend too much on the bottle of red but buying so called „cooking wine” here would ruin it’s otherwise subtle flavour.

For 3 portions:

  • 350 ml of red wine
  • 4-5 g of gelatine sheets 
  • 60 g of sugar
  • wild strawberries, allow a flat tablespoon per portion (or more to your liking)

Soak the gelatine sheets in a bowl of cold water for about 5 minutes to soften.

Pour the wine into a small pot, add the sugar and stir carefully until it fully dissolves.

Set it over a medium heat and bring to the boil. Once it starts to bubble lower down the heat immediately and simmer gently for further 5 minutes.

Take the pot off the heat. Squeeze the water out of the gelatine and add it to the wine.

Stir vigorously making sure that the gelatine sheets have fully dissolved.

Leave to cool down a little.

Pour half of the wine equally into individual champagne flutes (you can use one large jelly mould or smaller bowls instead of the champagne flutes). Place the flutes in the fridge and wait for about one hour for the jelly set a little. 

Next place the wild strawberries on top of the semi-set jelly and pour over the remaining wine mixture.

Leave in the fridge to set for about 3-4 hours.