A very beautiful salad, with the sweetness of beetroot and pomegranate, perfectly balanced by bitter ruby salad leaves
Serves 4:
For the dressing:
Start with the dressing.
Split the pomegranate into two parts. Keep the juice and and the seeds separately.
If you wish to go the extra length, pour the pomegranate juice into a saucepan, bring to the boil and reduce by half.
Otherwise use half of the pomegranate juice (you may use all of the juice in the end) and all of the remaining ingredients, apart from the pomegranate seeds, and whisk them together seasoning them well. Add more pomegranate juice or the reduced emulsion to your own liking.
Trim the cores of the endives and separate the leaves.
Arrange neatly on the serving plate the mixed ruby leaves, red endive leaves and the beetroot pieces. Sprinkle everything with the pomegranate seeds (you may not need to use all of them) and scatter chopped chives on top. Drizzle the dressing all over the salad and serve.