Vanilla panna cotta

May 10, 2018

Serves 6

  • 1/2 of one vanilla pod
  • 350 ml of whole milk
  • 250 ml of double cream
  • 120 g of caster sugar
  • 6g of gelatine leaves, softened in a little of cold water

Strawberries or wild strawberries to garnish

Pour the milk into a saucepan.
Cut the vanilla pod length wise, scrub the vanilla seeds out, add them along with the pod to the milk. Start heating up the milk until it almost boils. Take it off the heat and leave on the side allowing the milk to infuse with the vanilla. After that remove the vanilla pod out and discard.

Warm the cream, the infused milk and sugar in the saucepan over a medium heat. Don’t allow it to boil.

Squeeze the water from the gelatine and add it to the milk mixture, stir very well until the gelatine fully dissolves.

Pour the liquid into moulds, glasses or even champagne glasses and allow to set in the fridge for minimum of 8 hours.

*to de-mould the pan cotta, fill a small bowl with warm water, and place the container with the panna cotta in the water for approximately 10 seconds (you can help to peel off the edges with a knife).
Remove the mould from the water and place a plate on top. Turn the mould upside down and allow the panna cotta to fall from the mould.